Neil Jacobstein has been Chairman of the Institute for Molecular Manufacturing since 1992. Jacobstein is also President and CEO of Teknowledge Corporation [TEKC], a 20-year-old Nasdaq software company with approximately 60 employees. He has been a technical consultant on R&D projects for: NSF, DARPA, NASA, NIH, EPA, DOE, NRO, GM, Ford, P&G, Boeing, Applied Materials, and others. Jacobstein is a co-author of the Foresight Guidelines for Nanotechnology Development, which asserts that self-replicating molecular nanotechnology: 1) is theoretically feasible in spite of recent pronouncements otherwise, 2) may take decades to develop, 3) will eventually have significant social and economic benefits as well as risks, and 4) should be pursued responsibly with appropriate controls and built-in safeguards. In 1999, Jacobstein became a Henry Crown Fellow at the Aspen Institute, and he has led Socrates seminars there on molecular biology, nanotechnology, and renewable energy. He received his BS in Environmental Sciences, Summa cum Laude from the University of Wisconsin, and an MS in Human Ecology from the University of Texas, in conjunction with NASA's Environmental Physiology Simulation Program. He attended Stanford University's Advanced Management College and Managing Innovation programs. Jacobstein was a Graduate Research Intern in the Learning Research Group at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, and was a consultant in PARC's Software Concepts Group. He spent four years at CBNS doing renewable energy research and co-directing a genetic toxicology lab. Jacobstein has served since 1998 on the Technology Advisory Board for the U.S. Army's Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation Command (STRICOM). He is a member of the AAAS, the IEEE, the AAAI, and the ACM.
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