Donate to the IMM Freitas Research Fund
A Personal Message from Robert A. Freitas Jr.
The first volume of Nanomedicine, by IMM Senior Research Fellow Robert A. Freitas Jr., was published by Landes Bioscience, a leading publisher of medical textbooks, in October 1999. The second volume was published by Landes Bioscience in October 2003.
Nanomedicine, Volume I: Basic Capabilities from
Nanomedicine, Volume IIA: Biocompatibility from
Nanomedicine, to be published in four volumes, is the first book to comprehensively address the technical issues involved in the medical applications of molecular nanotechnology and medical nanodevice design. Thanks to the generosity of Robert and his publisher, the book can be freely previewed online at
The writing of Nanomedicine Volume I was partially funded through support from Foresight and the Institute for Molecular Manufacturing. A very successful fundraising drive in 1998 and another fundraising drive in 1999-2000 raised nearly $35,000 to support work on this project.
We’re extremely pleased with the tremendous quantity and quality of the research that has already been done. Completion of the first half of the Nanomedicine book project represents a major accomplishment in itself. But this valuable work is not yet finished.
Continuing support is urgently needed for the completion of Volumes IIB and III of Nanomedicine. To ensure that work on this major project does not stop, we need to raise additional funding now. For this purpose, IMM is sponsoring a new fundraising drive with the goal of raising $30,000 in direct support to allow Freitas to continue his work during 2004. First round donations to the IMM Freitas Research Fund must be received by 31 July 2004.
Questions about medical applications are among the most frequent questions about the implications of applications of advanced nanotechnology. If the application of nanotechnology to medicine is important to you, please consider contributing to this new grant program, to support the completion of Nanomedicine.
In additional to his nanomedicine work, Freitas is also working hard on the near-term implementation of molecular nanotechnology, including a new book on replicating systems and proposals for specific pathways leading to diamond mechanosynthesis. Robert will be speaking on these topics, and on his nanomedicine work, at the October 2004 Foresight Conference in Washington DC. He has also written a personal message to potential donors.
Neil Jacobstein, Chairman of the Institute for Molecular Manufacturing, says of Robert Freitas’ work:
“IMM considers Robert Freitas’ work to be ground breaking and fundamental. There are few nanotechnology researchers as productive or creative. Robert’s comprehensive work on Nanomedicine has opened up an entire new field of medical research. His new book on replicating systems, co-authored with Ralph Merkle, provides detailed analyses to make the case that molecular assemblers are indeed theoretically feasible. The book also provides many important pointers to next steps in the path towards the construction of an assembler. Currently, Robert is trying to help move MNT from the outside towards the mainstream of nanoscale science and technology. I believe that his work will one day be viewed as ‘ahead of its time’, but for now, he needs your support to continue his independent research.”
We urge you to support, as generously as you can, this highly productive and hardworking scientist, and his valuable research efforts.
A Personal Message from Robert A. Freitas Jr.
How to donate to the IMM Freitas Research Fund:
- Phone 650-917-1120 with Visa/Mastercard info
- Fax 650-917-1120 with same
- Email with same (not secure)
- Mail info or check to Institute for Molecular Manufacturing, 555 Bryant Street, Suite 354, Palo Alto, CA 94301 USA